The fire of a phosphor, is that what we are...?
There's a movie about that. Have you seen it? Everything is paid by a time. People are accumulating it, 100, 200 years old, and they're spending it. They buy something with 50 years, something else with two... There are suicides, who donate all their time, or simply don't "commercialize" it, letting it pass. And there are the ambitiouss (and also the assassins), who come out and, through violence and other countless tricks, suck the time from the others. How is the transmission made? Each has his own device (the life watch) on the right wrist. To give and receive time, just put your wrist on the other and the seconds, hours, days, weeks, months or years, are "moving" to the next one. You can watch them run for more or less while planning how urgent their battle has become (for those whose time stolen), or how much luxury they can afford to do more (for those who accumulate a time). A few times a movie has made me think a lot.
What is really important today? To have money? To have water? To be healthy? To have information? To have knowledge? To have friends? To have Internet? Everything is changing. Never before a man has been able to communicate so much with so many other people in such a short time. I often comment that I never can do a birthday party because my best friends are scattered around the world. Are we living in the new Babel? The reunification of the species? There are people on one corner of the planet protesting for groups that suffer there on the other continent; there are crowdfunding for a certain cause, geographically far away; Environmentalists on all sides are outraged at what we do with our natural resources here in Brazil, with museums, with people - whose deaths are calculated at the tip of the pencil by companies that evaluate whether or not a business will be worthwhile to stop. save a few hundred poor people - you see, right? Vale's spreadsheets.
There are young people investing all their money in virtual currencies, because there are other young people trading and sharing more profits than any bank has ever done, there, in the other hemisphere (or maybe here, on our side). But it's a crime, isn’t it? Couldn't we then pay employees more to have more time? Could we not double the commission we paid if we wanted? Could we not give some of what we have to make the other happy too, if we decided what would give us satisfaction? Or do we have to keep the whole profit for us? Can't that change? Again, if money were no longer our problem, what would we do with our time? Maybe this time will come when we think who we really are, and what we really need. So that “but I didn't have any money, so I didn't do it” excuse might be left out. It is important to think, because in this thinking, in fact, we will never have the money to do what we really want, we risk not thinking about anything, or suddenly, as a fright, we see that life does indeed , for us, it's over.
We replicate behaviors, accept barriers, get inert. Not risking, not experimenting, not allowing us to enchant. We don't dance, don't sing, don't paint. We don't laugh, we aren't getting known something new. We don't travel, we don't wander, we don't buy that finest outfit that would make us look good. We don't learn to play an instrument, we don't practice a sport, we don't make that barbecue, we don't g out for a coffee. We don't smile and no longer delights with those who are laughing in front of us. No more affection for his wife, husband, daughter, grandmother, ninth, grandson. Let's turn this cold, dark and motionless grain of sand. It's the fire of a phosphor. That's who we are. At the same time, we can (if we want) be so incredibly wonderful. So capable of becoming infinite. We are, in fact, a mystery.
We started 2019 with many revolutions around us. A lot to think about, a lot of energy to manage. Why such a philosophical text, in a magazine aimed at highlighting the Entrepreneurship at this beautiful location of our planet called Serra Gaúcha? Flip through the pages, take a good look at those people who talk to you, and you'll understand. There is a different generation coming up that is rising to break many paradigms. Get ready, therefore, is just beginning. Everything will change and everyone can change, or not. Since the movie I commented at the beginning of the text is not yet real, and we are confined to our 80 ... 100 (120?) years, what are we going to do with our time?
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